No matter if you want to lose weight, gain muscle or perhaps you wish to pay a little bit more attention to what you are eating, one common denominator is calories, more specifically calorie counting. What are calories? Calories are a measure of energy, more specifically the amount of energy within foods and beverages. Scientifically […]
Weight Loss
Reducing calorie intake is a good way to start your weight loss journey – we are giving our body fewer calories to store as fat.
It is a good idea to keep track of our progress. Using a diary can help us monitor our activities, changes, and achievements.
When estimating how many calories to consume daily, values such as the TDEE can be highly valuable. TDEE considers energy spent daily to fuel Basal Metabolic Rate
Studies show that basic cardio performed routinely actually ends up not giving you the fat loss potential as when you first started.
Crash diets are not the answer. If you starve yourself, you’ll lose muscle and mess up your metabolism. Your body has a complex survival mechanism that allows it to store energy for fuel.